Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Snuggle extravaganza!

Reading has become one of my new favorite things to do lately. I know, I know… This is a very shocking thing for me to say. People who have known me for years are probably having to pick themselves off the floor from the shock of what I have just revealed. Truth be told, I never could have passed my literature tests and quizzes without my good pal Mary who used to have to recap the reading assignments from the night before so that I wouldn’t fail. And now look at me- enjoying books! Absolutely incredible!

I find reading to be especially enjoyable when I turn on the fireplace and snuggle up with a blanket and a good book. I started reading the Twilight series recently, and they are absolutely enthralling. So much so that I have to make myself turn off the light and go to sleep at night so I can at least get some sleep. The other night I sat down to read the second book in the series called “New Moon”, and I brought Adyson down on the floor with me. She was sleepy, so she fell asleep within just a few minutes. Sure enough two other members of our family came to join me. It was what I call a CUDDLE FEST! Here is a picture of us all snuggled together, reading a great book. (Me-the book holder, Adyson-the sleeping baby, Izzi-the fat cat, and Charlie-the drooling puppy).
If you havent found anything good to read lately, try the Twilight series written by Stephenie Meyer. Beware, though! They are very addicting. If a busy new mom like me has time to read, I bet you can find some time too. :)
Happy Reading!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thoughts from this morning

This morning, like many other millions of Americans, I watched as President-Elect Obama laid his left hand on Abraham Lincoln’s Bible, repeated the official presidential oath, and became the 44th freely elected President of the United States. I watched with much emotion as the news cameras showed the millions of people who crowded into the Mall area in Washington DC anxiously awaiting their new President to be sworn into office, and as George W and Laura bush graciously welcomed the Obamas into the white house for the first time. What an incredibly moving morning.

I know that not everyone is excited for this new change of office. Some are worried that this “green” Senator from Illinois is going to ruin even more the already grave situation here in the United States. They worry that he may have poor moral beliefs or standards, and that he is going to undo all good in the Nation. Some may even feel like God has officially turned His back on the US and forgotten us; and they are waiting for this Country to go down in flames.

Far be it from me to be full of great political insights or advice. Especially as a new mother, I rarely have time to take a shower let alone follow all of the happenings in our political arena. I know that I don’t agree with Obama on all of his stances, but I also know that I don’t disagree with all of them either. In the midst of my uncertainties during this transition in our government and the troubles throughout our nation there is something that I cling to more than any hope of a powerful new leader or of a quick solution to fix all our problems in America. I cling to the hope found in Isaiah 26: 3-4: “ You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because He trusts in You. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD God is an everlasting Rock.” He is my everlasting rock and I trust Him completely.

I also know that as a believer I am called to pray for the leaders of this country. 1 Timothy 2:2-3 says, “[pray] for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior.” Therefore, I echo wholeheartedly the words that Rick Warren prayed over President Obama and his family this morning: “Give him the wisdom to lead us with humility, the courage to lead us with integrity, and the compassion to lead us with generosity. Bless and protect him and his family… and all of our freely elected leaders…May Your will be accomplished here in this Nation.” Although tomorrow is unknown to me, I know Someone who does know and is in absolute control. He is sovereignly working all things to His glory and perfect will.
Praise be to GOD.
Congratulations to President Obama and his precious family. I’ll be praying for you!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Blogging 101

Several of my adorable friends have their own blog sites, and I have absolutely loved reading their insights on life and their experiences. So... I decided to start my own site too. I am such a copy cat! I hope that this will be a fun new adventure that will help me keep my loved ones updated on my little corner of the world. HA! This should be interesting considering that I am so dumb when it comes to computer stuff. We'll see!

I guess this will be my first blog post for now... more to come. I just hope the computer doesnt blow up in the process.

Lots of love,
