Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fun Ady Facts

Ady is almost 18 months old, and she has started to truly blossom in her personality. She is so full of energy and has such a spark for adventure. I don't think a day passes without her testing our patience somehow as she seeks her independence or without her cracking us up into mild hysteria. Ady has never really ever been shy, but she is now starting to become even more of a social butterfly. She absolutely loves people, and she waves at everyone within eye-sight. It is adorable to watch her in the grocery store with all the different people in the aisles and checkout lines. Speaking of grocery stores, Ady learned about the free cookie that King Soopers gives out to kids for free as they shop with mom, and she is a BIG fan- maybe even their biggest fan! One of her new tricks is taking her pants off. She has been working on taking her shirt off too, but so far she has only managed to get one arm out and then get stuck. (see pictures) It is pretty common to start doing the dishes and halfway through find her walking around without pants or socks and with her shirt hanging off. What a goober!

As a blossoming toddler, Ady has learned a wonderful new word, and she loves to use it as much as she can whether it makes sense or not: "No!" She even tells Charlie and Izzy "No" if she doesnt think they are behaving in a manner she approves of.

Ady loves reading still, and now she is starting to learn to repeat sounds and words back! I have loved it. We've heard her say a lot of words. It is a blast! She is also learning lots of different animal sounds and motions. One of my favorites she does is the sound of the elephant. She sticks her arm up by her head and makes a squeal! *sigh* So much cuteness in one little body! She also drew her first picture: Check it out!

Adyson is a picky eater, but the more I try to give her easy foods to eat, the less she seems to like them. We have found that she actually has a very weird taste in food. Here is what I mean.
Ady refuses to eat any sort of potato- mashed, baked, in soup, cheesy (she will eat french fries, though) and she wont eat macaroni and cheese. She will, however, eat salsa and guacamole, tomatoes, pickles, and clam chowder. Just today she decided that she loves salt and vinegar chips. Go figure! She is also the queen of weird food combinations. She just loves mixing her foods together. Here are some of her unique combos:
Craisons in clam chowder
Tomatoes in applesauce
Eggs in her yogurt
Cheese, mayo, bread in applesauce
Cheetos and yogurt
Peaches in her spaghetti o's

That girl never ceases to amaze me! On a final note, I am happy to report that Ady finally got all of her teeth in. She is not a good teether, like some of the babies we've met, so we are very excited to have a break from all the pain and suffering - and I'm just talking about what I went through.  :)
Here are two more pictures of our sweet toddler girl.
Ady and her Baby- BFF's
Adyson's favorite toy right now is her babydoll. She is very gentle with her and takes great care of her baby. She can give her a bottle or sippy cup and she even pats her back. So cute!

Ady and Mommy

Well, that is our update for now. I am almost to my 2nd trimester, and I am hoping for some energy to come my way when I get there. My belly is starting to get a little bigger, and I almost look pregnant not just like I've had too many girl scout cookies... although... I have had my fair share... :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Soul Desperate For You

"He feeds on ashes; a deluded heart has led him astray, and he cannot deliver himself or say, 'Is there not a lie in my right hand?' Remember these things, O Jacob, and Israel, for you are My servant; I formed you; You are My servant; O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me. I have blotted out your transgressions like a cloud and your sins like a mist; return to Me for I have redeemed you." 
Isaiah 44:20-22

In my most recent Bible study, I was amazed by these verses above found in Isaiah 44. It is mind-blowing how verses written so long ago can still seem so fresh and relevant to my life today. As I went through my Bible study homework that day, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the truth of these verses. The homework lesson was all about the stumbling block of idolatry in our lives as believers. At first, I thought to myself, "Idols? This lesson won't apply to me. I don't have any statues of other gods or figurines that I burn incense to at my home." But as I started working through the homework, I found that scripture isn't just talking about the idols of gods that some worship, it is referring to anything that is more satisfying to us than God. Humbling? For me it was. I realized that my life is actually plagued with idols that I didn't even consider. In fact, I often think that the only people who can get caught up in idol worship are people who aren't Christians. Yet Isaiah 44 wasn't written to unbelieving people; it was written God's chosen people- the Israelites. They knew God very well, but they still found themselves in a position of idol worship. They really were making idols out of clay and wood and metal to worship instead of the One, True God. For me, however, I found that the way I spend my time, my money, my thoughts, and my energy all reflect the idols in my life. Sadly, the things that are most important to me don't always reflect God. As a Christian it is still surprisingly easy to look for satisfaction in the things around me instead of to God. "I feed on ashes and my deluded heart leads me astray."

One of my biggest challenges and prayers for growth in my own life has been to be more satisfied each day in God alone. I regularly pray Psalm 90:14- "Satisfy me in the morning with Your steadfast love, that I may rejoice and be glad all my days." I really feel like the Lord started answering even more this prayer in my heart through this week's study on idolatry. Some questions that stir in my mind constantly are, "Why do I wake up so dissatisfied with myself and my life? Why do I constantly yearn for more? Why do I do the things I don't want to do? Why am I always wishing and hoping for something bigger or better to accomplish? Why does the role God has me in right now seem so meaningless? Why can't I just be satisfied with where the Lord has me now?" I realized that the biggest reason I wrestle with these thoughts is because I have sought other things than God to satisfy me (idols). I have looked to everything but His Word to truly answer these questions. I clench my fist around lies and tell myself that they are truth. It is time to change. I need to remember that God formed me. He made me as He pleased. I am His servant. He has redeemed me and blotted out all of my sins. Oh how I long to truly return to Him each day. Only there in His presence and in the truth of His Word will I ever find true satisfaction.

As I finished that day's homework, I truly felt a poem of lyrics running through my heart and mind, so I wrote them down. I wanted to share it with you in hopes that the lessons I am learning as a young mother and wife regarding satisfaction in the Lord will somehow mean something to you as well.

Soul Desperate for You

Why do I do the things I don’t want to do?
Why do I reach for everything, everything but You?
You formed me. You saved me. I owe you my all.
Yet in the opposite direction I seem to crawl.
I’m failing, I’m falling, I’m hopeless without You.
I’m blinded, I’m starving, my soul desperate for You.
I get blinded and stubborn- neglecting Your truth.
My fists tightly clench the idols I choose.
My mouth waters for the fake dreams I lied,
Instead of craving the good You provide.
I’m failing, I’m falling, I’m hopeless without You.
I’m blinded, I’m starving, my soul desperate for You.
You offer the best- countless blessings with bliss,
But I snub it and challenge “What could be better than this?”
You’ve given me purpose. You’ve made my path clear.
So why do I cling to these idols I hold dear?
I’m failing, I’m falling, I’m hopeless without You.
I’m blinded, I’m starving, my soul desperate for You.
I long for satisfaction, to live as You please.
Father, what is my problem? I fall on my knees.
You keep me from failing, You guard me from falling.
You alone can provide hope without stalling.
You remove my blindness, You heal my hunger cry.
 I stretch out my tight fists and exclaim, “Only You can satisfy!”

Well, there is a glimpse into where the the Lord is molding and changing in me. At times it stings a little to be reminded of my struggles, but I know that it is with great love for me that God challenges me to grow. May I challenge you as well? I don't want to belittle or make light of the serious pains and questions we all face each day in this broken world, but I also don't want to make light the awesome power our God has to take the lies that we have deluded ourselves to believe and turn them into beautiful rays of hope in our lives. I've witnessed it in my own life, and I pray for God to do the same in yours. Please pray for Him to reveal to you any areas in your life where you are finding satisfaction in anything other than God. Then, I pray that you will surrender those areas of deception in your life and return to God. Only He can truly satisfy, and my goodness do we ever need Him so desperately to intervene!

Blessings to you this week,

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Willcutts Baby 2 Update and Ady as a Swimmer

This week I had my OB appointment for WB2 (Willcutts baby 2), and it went really well. I have been a little more nervous with this pregnancy due to some cramps and pinching in my abdomen that I didn't experience with Ady. Everyone I asked kept telling me that all pregnancies are different so not to be too worried. It was hard to listen. I declined some medical testing, so our doctor wasn't going to do a 1st trimester ultrasound, but since I was a little concerned and have had the pinching, she decided to order one after all. Scott and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time at this doctor appointment, and we felt some peace after that. However, it was even more of a relief to get to have an ultrasound and see the baby up close! What a miracle it is to see that little 11 week old baby in there with a four chambered heart beating strongly (157bpm), two little arms wiggling, and two little legs kicking! Everything looked great, the ultrasound tech told us, so we are praising God for a healthy pregnancy. We are getting more and more excited to meet this little one!  Here is are two pictures from our ultrasound! Do you think it's a boy or a girl? We have our suspicions... but we wont know for another 6 weeks or so! 

This weekend we took Ady swimming at our gym. She hadn't gone swimming for a while, so she was a little nervous at first. Her memory came back quickly, though, and she loved it! She is such a sweet little girl, and we are loving this stage of toddlerhood that she is in. It definitely has its difficulties, but my goodness is it fun to watch her grow and learn. It seems like every day she is learning a new skill or sound. She also makes us laugh harder than anything in the world. What a ham! 
Here are some fun pictures from swimming! Hope you enjoy!!

Well, I guess that is about it for news this week! Enjoy your weekend. I am hoping to write one more blog this week, so stay tuned for that!
Blessings to you!
Karen Ruth

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A blast from the past!

Scott and I just recently bought a new computer! Finally! We are both very excited about it. We switched from a PC to a Mac, and it is wonderful! Our computer is now so much faster, and we were finally able to download our videos from our video camera. I thought it would be fun to share some of our videos from when Ady was just a new little baby! Enjoy!
(the blog wouldn't let me upload videos directly, so here are the youtube sites)      (silly crib talk- This is a video of Ady in her crib right after waking up from her nap)   (I was out getting my hair done, and Scott was incharge of Ady for one of the first times, so he did a great job giving her tummy time! This is of her learning to roll over!)   (This is a video that Scott captured when I fell asleep reading with Ady on my chest)

Well, I hope you enjoyed the videos!
Have a great day!