Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Helpers in the Kitchen

I had some BIG help while doing the dishes yesterday, and I thought I should share some pictures of my volunteers. If the pictures are blurry it's because I was giggling so hard that the camera kept shaking.
Charlie always helps "rinse" the dishes before I put them in the dishwasher to be cleaned. Ady decided that she wanted to help too, so she crawled into the kitchen and started helping. Keep in mind that this plate had left-over steak on it. Charlie just scooted over to let her have some. They are such good buddies. Gross!

Ah, yes! Now they are truly working like a team. "You rinse them, Charlie, and I'll load them."
Such a big help!

After all that hard work and getting rinsed off in the kitchen sink, Ady crawled over to the oven and was looking at the reflection in the glass. She decided to give the oven some love. In this picture she is giving it kisses.

When I asked her what she was doing (kissing the oven), this is the face I got! What a cutie! How about those pigtails, too? Little pixie sticks!


  1. Oh!! That is so cute!!! What a good little helper you have! I'm also quite impressed with the "Pixie Sticks"! She is getting so big! I can't believe she is almost a year old already. Wow. :o)

  2. Oh my goodness, cutest post ever!

  3. I put up some pics on my facebook page because Lucy helps me with dishes, too!
