Friday, July 16, 2010

Some Updates

It's already been over a month since I posted my last blog update?! It is amazing how fast time seems to go sometimes. I still don't have a lot of time today to write a long blog, but I thought I'd at least post some new pictures and fun facts about our growing family for my wonderful blog followers and friends.

1. Ady took her first trip to the zoo the end of last month. We went with Scott's brother and wife (Uncle Jeff and Aunt Sarah). It was pretty hot outside that day, but we all had such a great time.  We were a little nervous about how Adyson would respond to the animals, since she is pretty timid; but I have to say she did great! She really loved getting to see the giraffes, feed them, and pet them. She even got to pet a baby albino wallaby. She did great!
above: kissing and petting the giraffe

below: family picture while cooling off in the shade

below: Scott and Adyson hanging out at the zoo

below: Uncle Jeffy and Aunt Sarah

below: Mommy and Ady cooling off in the shade

2. We had a lovely Fourth of July weekend with family and friends. We went to my Grammie Sue's house for swimming and a barbecue in the early afternoon, and then headed up to Lake Loveland with Scott's family for fireworks that evening. Our fireworks ended up getting rained out, but we still had such a nice time with everyone. What a blessed Nation and people we are as Americans. We forgot our camera, but my dad caught a few pictures from at my Grandma's house. 

above: Adyson and Daniel on a ride in the wagon. It is so much fun to have kids so close together with my brother. Even our second kids will only be about 5 months apart, too. 

below: Two of my most favorite men: Hubby Scott and brother Mark. What a blessed girl I am.

3.  Last weekend we went on a get-away weekend with our best friends, Corey and Blythe. We dropped Ady off at Nana's house, picked up the keys and clean linens, and headed up to the cabin for 2 nights. We had such a great time getting to connect with them, and getting to relax in the mountains. The guys played a game of golf on Saturday morning, and Blythe and I went shopping in town. That night we cooked up a delicious steak dinner with s'mores as dessert. It was delicious! The next morning, we had a nice quiet, slow morning eating a delicious breakfast on the deck of the cabin and enjoyed the rest of our time in the fresh mountain air. We had such a great time playing board games and talking and laughing. It was wonderful! Corey and Blythe are such a blessing to us, and we loved getting to have that time with just them- especially with our new little one on his way soon!

 Below: Breakfast on Sunday morning on the deck with friends.

Below: Scott with Corey and Blythe in Estes

Below: Me trying to get a picture with our dog, Charlie, and their dog, Sammy. Our dogs are best buddies, so they were being squirrly...

4. I finally just about finished Jackson's room. It was quite a job, but I think it turned out pretty cute. We are so excited for him to get here! I painted all of the paintings myself! It was so much fun!


5. As of this weekend, I will be 26 years old and 35 weeks pregnant. I had an ultrasound last week, and our little baby boy is looking good. He is almost 5 pounds they are estimating, and he "has a big head" the ultrasound tech told me. Lovely. We are just praying and hoping for a healthy baby, and we are so excited to meet him! 
Here are some good belly shots and our most recent ultrasound pictures (good luck making sense of them! We sure cant really tell what they are. We're just glad he seems healthy and strong!)


6. A quick update on Adyson. She is still growing and learning more and more. It is incredible to watch! She has more words than we can count, and she is getting better and better at recognizing people and places. She has a little friend up the street named Ava (Avie- to Ady), and every time we drive by their house she exclaims, "Avie! Avie!". At the grocery store she asks for a "tookie" (cookie) "peas" (please), and then says "tks" (thanks).  Our favorite word she is saying this week is "fish". She just started being able to actually say the word, whereas she used to just put her hands together and make them move like they're swimming. Now that she can say it she calls fish "shiff". She somehow turned the word around backwards, and it is adorable. Poor thing! I think we ask her to say it too much because it is just too cute.  She also started to be able to point out my car when we are in parking lots! It is really cool that she can recognize stuff so well now. 

Well, I better get going for now. I hope this blog finds you all well!
Lots of love,
Karen Ruth