Friday, August 13, 2010

Got Baby?

It's official! Lord willing, our precious little boy will be here no later than Monday. I had my last OB appointment this morning, and it went really well. I am roughly 3cm dilated and 60% effaced. It is exciting to think that he could still come any time before then, but for sure we know I'll be induced Monday morning. We appreciate all of your prayers, and we will keep you posted! We are definitely excited and nervous!
As one can imagine, we have been busy with all sorts of preparations around here for this little one to get here. Carpets have been cleaned, meals have been cooked, and the house has been baby-afied again. Even Ady is feeling the excitement and has been talking about babies a lot more. 
I had the epiphany last weekend that this would be my last week with just Adyson at home, so I decided  to make the most of it and to enjoy every moment with just the two of us. I wish I could have had this perspective every day as a stay at home mom. Something to work on. :) Every day I planned something fun for just Ady and I to do during the day, and we have had a blast! 
On Monday we went to one of our favorite parks in Northern Colorado Springs and played really hard! There is a little pond with baby ducks there, too; so we had a good time watching the little ducks with their mama going for a swim. I also repainted her toenails a pretty pink to match mine. She is such a little girl, and she just loves getting her nails done. 
Tuesday we went to Focus on the Family to have lunch with my dear friend Blythe. Ady and I love getting to hang out with Blythe! She is probably one of the coolest and sweetest people we know.  After lunch, we stayed to play at Whit's End for a while. Ady had never played there before, and she had so much fun climbing and jumping around on all of the play equipment. She also took her first real shower that morning, and loved getting to splash around in the shower.  She cracks me up! 
Ady has been recovering from Mono since early July, so we still have to take it easy somedays when she has been super busy. So Wednesday, I planned for us to go on a nice drive in the country to look for some cows "moo", horses "ney!", and other random animals. We saw not only cows and horses, but llamas, buffalo, antelope, birds, and some dogs. It was such a nice drive. That afternoon we got to go on a walk with and hang out with some of my friends and Ady's friends: Amy and Ava, Kelsey and Jacob, Marti and Maya. It was such a beautiful day, and it was so encouraging to get to spend some time with such wonderful moms and babies. 
Thursday we decided to go up to Garden of the gods for a nice walk. It was a beautiful day for a walk, and we stayed there well over an hour just wandering around and looking at all the rocks and flowers. Ady brought her baby doll with her, so she got to practice being a big sister and pushing her baby doll in the stroller. After our walk, we stopped at a new park on the way home, and Ady played on the swing "sing" and went down the slide "side" over and over.  We were both so tired, but we had a blast!
This morning was my last doctor appointment, so our sweet neighbor up the street offered to watch Ady for me. Blake and his wife Amy are the parents of Ady's favorite buddy Ava or "Avie" as she calls her. Ady LOVES getting to go over and play with "Avie". This morning Blake set up the pool on their deck, and the girls spent about 2 hours playing in the kiddie pool. Those girls play so well and so hard together. It is adorable. What a huge blessing their family is to us. They have been so helpful to watch Ady at a moments notice.
Scott has gotten to spend some special time with Ady every evening this week, too; and we are so grateful that we took the time to appreciate each day with our precious girl this week! She is going to be a great big sister, and we are so proud of her!
As an update on our little lady... I have to say she is learning and growing so quickly these days that it is hard to keep track of all the things she can do and say now. Some of our favorite words this week that she is saying are "sheefies" for fish, "nuffies" for nothing, and "surfy" for thirsty. She is able to jump really well now, getting both feet several inches above the ground, and she is able to climb up onto our really tall kitchen table chairs all by herself. She has decided to rename our cat Izzy as "Cat", now, and she loves to boss him around. More practice for being a big sister I suppose. Mostly, we are just impressed by her tender little heart. She loves to pray at meals and before bedtime with us, and she is very aware of anyone with an injury or hurt. She likes to make everyone feel better or happier when they need something. We are so blessed to have this blossoming little girl in our midst every day, and she is teaching us so much! It is hard to believe that in just 3 short days she will be a big sister, and in a few short weeks she will already be 2 years old! What a big girl!
Well, I guess that is about all the news I have for now. I am thinking that my next post will be about our new little arrival, so stay tuned! 
Here are some fun pictures from our week.
Have a blessed weekend!

Above: Adyson, our cool girl, with her baby
Below:  Mommy and Ady at Garden of the gods

Below: Having a snack on a big rock. She is turning into such a climber!

Above: Big girl! Going for a walk with her baby
Below: Big sister training- pushing the stroller. So adorable!

Below: Scott and I are so blessed to call this little girl ours!

Above: Ava and Ady in the pool at Amy and Blake's house
Below: A closeup of our sweet girls. Such good buddies!

Below: Adyson and her daddy playing on the ipad. Is he teaching her or is she teaching him? Hmm?

Below: the baby Jackson bump. I had Scott take some fun pictures last weekend so we could always remember how big my belly really got.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Karen! We are so excited for you guys! :) So wonderful the time you get to spend with your girl! It will be great to get to meet the new little guy and to see Ady being a big sister!
